redis3.0以后的aof rewrite优化

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AOF Rewrite优化点

AOF rewrite的时候,需要把从fork那一刻开始的增量修改命令保存起来,待新的aof文件生成以后,把这些增量追加到新的aof。 redis采用双buff, aof_buf和aof_rewrite_buf_blocks, 其中aof_buf里面的数据正常刷到当前的aof文件中,而aof_rewrite_buf_blocks里保存的增量修改在所有内存数据rewrite完成以后,被追加到新的aof文件。这样做的好处是,即使child进程rewrite失败了,parent进程还是保有一个可用的aof文件,并且数据是完整。

相比对redis 2.8.17, redis 3.0以后的版本增加了一个pipe, 通过这个pipe,parent进程把rewrite过程中累计的增量修改,也就是aof_rewrite_buf_blocks中的数据发给child进程,child进程收到这些数据以后保存到 aof_child_diff中,child进程在rewrite结束的时候,把aof_child_diff中的数据追加到新的aof。 parent进程等待child进程结束以后, 需要把对新的aof文件做rename,在rename之前,parent进程需要把aof_rewrite_buf_blocks中的残留数据(从子进程不再通过pipe读取aof_rewrite_buf_blocks开始,到parent调用doneHandler期间, 新产生的增量修改)追加到新的aof中。 这样一来,parent进程中需要追加到新的aof的数据就会大大减少,parent进程阻塞的几率就降低了很多。在此过程中,内存使用量并没增加,因为parent把aof_rewrite_buf_blocks发给child以后,就释放已发送给child的数据所占用的内存。


redis2.8.17 vs redis4.0.11

启动命令:  ./src/redis-server  --appendonly yes
AOF policy:  everysec
压测命令: ./src/redis-benchmark -r 1000000000 -n 20000000 lpush mylist__rand_int__ rand_int__


[24596] 17 Aug 23:37:30.933 * Parent diff
successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (6616355 bytes)
[24596] 17 Aug 23:37:51.738 * Parent diff
successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (10946132 bytes)
[24596] 17 Aug 23:38:33.967 * Parent diff
successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (38479070 bytes)
[24596] 17 Aug 23:40:07.592 * Parent diff
successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (98919020 bytes)
81309.07 requests per second

redis 4.0.11:

23349:M 17 Aug 23:32:45.306 * Residual
parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (0.45 MB)
23349:M 17 Aug 23:33:06.939 * Residual
parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (0.52 MB)
23349:M 17 Aug 23:33:52.114 * Residual
parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (1.48 MB)
23349:M 17 Aug 23:35:46.264 * Residual
parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (1.83 MB)

89217.60 requests per second

不难发现, redis4.0.11的主线程在aof rewrite完成以后, 所需要的flush的数据量是远小于redis2.8.17的。 由于redis的单线程架构,主线程中的慢操作越少,那么服务的抖动就越小,服务就越稳定。

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